Mods by Author

Author Mods
Karpah 3

Id Name Category Site Link Author Date Description
Sara's Shack Houses MMH 44-9730 Karpah 2005-06-25 Sara's looking to move out of Gnaar Mok, to the hustle and bustle of Vivec, but she'll need your help. Buy her small shack from her and she'll be free to leave - plus you get a place to stay!  Perfectly suited for starting characters. Nothing unbalancing other...
Maar Gan Abandoned Home Houses MMH 44-8588 Karpah 2004-11-01 My second mod project is an abandoned house in Maar Gan, near the silt strider. It was designed to be part of a larger project, but has been tweaked to be released as an individual house mod. Feedback appreciated!
Australiana Houses MMH 44-9937 Karpah 2005-06-21 My third mod adds a two-story common-style house to Caldera, located behind Hodlismod the armorer.  Full of greenery and hopefully very inviting to live in. Non-specific - no dedicated areas to store specific items but rather a multi-purpose home for all characters. Hope ...