Mods by Author

Author Mods
Wysiwyg 4

Id Name Category Site Link Author Date Description
Longer Khajiit Night Vision Tweaks MMH 90-7367 Wysiwyg 2002-05-28 This is a simple mod I created because I was tired of having to sheathe my sword to activate my innate night vision every 30 seconds. It's only 2 minutes but that's a significant improvement.
indarys-w 0701 Factions MMH 35-4915 Wysiwyg 2009-05-12 Additional storage space in a hidden vault of Indarys Manor. Tug on one of the tapestries in the master bedroom. v1.1
Indarys Enhancements Cheats MMH 18-8082 Wysiwyg 2002-07-01
Ahnassi's Amulet Items MMH 46-7368 Wysiwyg 2002-06-27