# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Rejiit Race Races MMH 2009-06-10 Jman66100 This mod adds a new race to the game, the Rejiit.  It is a retextured Khajiit (textured with a tint of red).
White Armor Armor MMH 2009-06-10 Jman66100 This mod adds a set of white armor to the game.  It is just a retextured set of Daedric armor.  The armor has all  
the same attributes as Daedric armor.  As of yet, I haven't added an in-game way to get the armor, so you can either make  
your own Trader, make...
Gold Armor Armor MMH 2009-06-10 Jman66100 This mod adds a set of gold armor to the game.  It is just a retextured set of iron armor.  The armor rating is 150 (50 above Daedric), weighs a total of 612 lbs. and costs more than 200,000 GP.