# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Jin's weapon mod Weapons MMH 2009-05-12 Kelnis, aka Jin Atsuko You can find an NPC who will tell a hint at where some of the weps are, she is at Arille's Trade House in Syeda Neen, the other weapons can temperary be found in the Saren Manor. For now anyway, soon you will have to embark on a journey to find the "lost treasures" of Tamriel. Also I have added a...
Glass Claymore Replacer Models and Textures MMH 2004-06-20 Kelnis, aka JinAtsuko This mod replaces the rather bland, chystaline version of the glass claymore, with a more smooth, adequete texture. i will only release a second version(with all the retexed glass weapons), if i get some positive feedback. More info in the readme.