# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Pundaab Home & Playset Houses MMH 2010-03-10 Mr.pointless11 This adds a Pundaab Home above Vivec's Temple might not see it till you fly up some to keep a long story short read the read me. keeping it in like a beta type state want people to tell me something i could do and or place it plus still going to add more detail to in and exterior.  
Morag Tong Grandmaster Quarters Houses MMH 2010-02-06 Mr.pointless The is Eno Hlaalu's quaters same one only in a diffrent cell and he does not own the misc or any container to keep a long story short read the readme.
Indarys Study Houses MMH 2010-02-01 mr.pointless Just tweaked up the stair area and added a study in Indarys Manor just a simple one nothing big.  
Sorry don't know how to upload screens.  
still plan to make it fit Morrowind better and add a hidden area and also no read me for now and trying to figure out how to put up scre...