# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Durzilla GHF 2016-11-03
Durzilla DonnerGott Fliggerty 2014-12-20 DonnerGott Durzilla is an armored, miniature War Durzog which the PC can "recruit" as a companion. After a certain level, the player stumbles-across a battle between a Dremora and a Boyant Armiger and his Durzog. The master dies defeating the Dremora, and the Durzog can be acquired via dialog.

There are...
Durzilla Companions MMH 2015-08-26 DonnerGott Durzilla is an armored, miniature War Durzog which the PC can "recruit"
as a companion. After a certain level, the player stumbles-across a
battle between a Dremora and a Boyant Armiger and his Durzog. The master
dies defeating the Dremora, and the Durzog can be acquired via dia...