# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
DGL-Stormbringer GHF 2016-11-03
Stormbringer Sword Dongle Fliggerty 2011-11-05 Dongle
Stormbringer Sword
from dongle

A sword mesh for use in Morrowind mods

Stormbinger, a soul-thirsty demon masquerading as a sword,
as found in an underworld cavern by Elric of Melniboné.
Also includes the compa...
Stormbringer Weapons MMH 2005-12-26 khan raider "Stormbringer comin', time to die!"    To all fans of Michael Moorcock and his "Elric of Melnibone" saga. Hellblade Stormbringer is in Morrowind, waiting for you to bring that world to doom.    Now mod has a little quest, after completing which you will acquire Stormbringer. &...
Stormbringer Weapons MMH 2009-05-12 Deathbliss I'm a Michael Moorcock fan and I remember somewhat fondly the Elric series in particular. Elric carries a sword that is life and death as well as a blessing and a curse to him. That sword is Stormbringer, and I thought it'd be cool to have something similar in Morrowind.
Dead Elric v2.0 Weapons MMH 2013-12-04 Elric_Melnibone This file contains the Stormbringer sword, Elric's Clothes of Strength and Elric's Ring of Levitate. 'Stormbringer' was made by using a Daedric Claymore that has been lightened to 50 lbs and given the speed of a Daedric Dai-Katana (1.35). I also made the stats better than Chrysamere mostly on pur...
Dead Elric v1.0 Weapons MMH 2013-12-04 Elric_Melnibone This file contains the Stormbringer sword, Elric's Clothes of Strength and Elric's Ring of Levitate. 'Stormbringer' was made by using a Daedric Claymore that has been lightened to 50 lbs and given the speed of a Daedric Dai-Katana (1.35). I also made the stats better than Chrysamere mostly on pur...
Stormbringer & Mournblade Cheats MMH 2008-04-01 Leperking Title: Stormbringer & Mournblade  
Creator: Leperking  
Email: [url=mailto:[email protected][/img][email protected][/url]  
Type: Weapon/armor addition  
Description: As per a request from my older brother, I've made Stormbringer and M...