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Cyrano 8
# Actions Id Name Category Site Author Date Description
Traveling Merchants v2.3 NPCs MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 GhanBuriGhan's [i]Traveling Merchants introduced seven NPCs that traveled scripted routes between towns, and added much needed live to the roads of western Vvardenfell. Traveling Merchants version 2.30 adds seven more routes throughout Vvardenfell and fixes bugs in the version 1.2 beta release. T...
Trigger Dark Brotherhood Attack Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 This adds a short quest that creates the pretense for making the player a target for assassination. Since the quest is a condition for the Dark Brotherhood attacks it effectively delays the start of the Tribunal main quest until the player decides it is appropriate. The quest is not available unt...
The Redoran Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 With the availability of faction expansion mods such as LGNPC Pax Redoran the player can rise quite rapidly in House Redoran. There may come a time when duties assigned the player are unbecoming of one of his or her rank. This mod makes the requirements for promotion in that Great House more stri...
Slave Escort Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 Now all slaves (including cattle) may be freed. The player may use confrontation, stealth or guile to assist slaves in public places. Lock picks, invisibility potions and scrolls as well as teleportation are added to the abolitionist's arsenal. The player has additional options to assist freed sl...
Serious Weather Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 First conceived as a solution to the Blight disease immunity bug this mod grew to include severe weather effects and more logical regional weather patterns. The original concept has been removed in this update. What remains are ash and blight storms that envelope the player in a way that diminish...
Exclusive Factions Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 Exclusive Factions is inspired by the Faction component of Wakim's Game Improvements. Most of the intent of that fine mod has been honored in this refinement of the subject. The conditions to join and advance in a faction been made more stringent thereby slowing the player's rate of promotion tha...
Acquired Immunity Gameplay MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 As in real life, the player can develop immunity to specific diseases after recovering from the illness. Races with natural disease resistance will develop immunity more quickly than others. This mod also re-introduces Bethesda's original intent of contracting blight disease as a result of exposu...
Purchasable Alchemy Lab Alchemical MMH Cyrano 2017-09-28 Nalcarya of White Haven, the alchemist in Balmora, offers for sale the Delvanni alchemy system that the player may install in any cell. The laboratory consists of ninety-six containers representing all the ingredients available in un-modded Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon placed alphabetically ...