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# Actions Id Name Category Site Author Date Description
Expanded Sounds Herbalism for Purists Patch Miscellaneous MMH DWS 2013-04-16 Allows you to use both Syc_Herbalism for Purists and Expanded Sounds. It combines the two different scripts into one. Required: - Expanded Sounds (by PirateLord) - Herbalism for Purists (by Syclonix)
GCD BigMod2 patch Gameplay MMH DWS 2009-04-06 This patch overrides >170 GCD incompatible enchantments. Since they are BM2 unique, they would not be overwritten by GCD. It is the same as with every compatibility patch. Just load the patch after Bigmod (not necessarily after GCD in this case).
Magical Trinkets of Tamriel Vol IV beta patch Bugfixes MMH DWS 2011-12-11 Replacement plugin for Magical Trinkets of Tamriel Vol IV beta. Corrects the use of scripted levelled lists. Should only be used by people playing Oluhan and Magical Trinkets of Tamriel Vol IV beta. People not playing Oluhan should use another patched version of MTT IV.