Mods by Author

Author Mods
Marcel Hesselbarth 4

Id Name Category Site Link Author Date Description
Multiple Teleport Marking Mod v2.2 Magic and Spells MMH 51-3898 Marcel Hesselbarth 2009-05-12 Morrowind is a really great game - to great to walk! So you need some ways to travel faster between the places. Therefore there are a lot of different Travel facilities in the game. But as these cover only the civilised parts of the world a lot of people outside build different teleport plugins (...
Multiple Teleport Marking Mod V1.1 (tribunal only) Magic and Spells MMH 51-2036 Marcel Hesselbarth 2009-04-06 This mod add the Multiple Teleport Marking ability for the areas of Bethesda's "Siege at Firemoth" mod (required). It is a example how to safely add new regions to my marking mod as a OPTIONAL feature for those who use my marking mod.
Multiple Teleport Marking Mod 2.1 Magic and Spells MMH 51-1987 Marcel Hesselbarth 2009-04-06 This mod add the multiple teleport marking ability for the areas of Bethesda Bloodmoon expansion ( requires Bloodmoon )
LeveledMagicka Gameplay MMH 37-2795 Marcel Hesselbarth 2009-04-24 This mod increases your maximum magicka at 4% per level. So at level 26 your starting magicka has been doubled. Tanks to Pookhill for assistance If you encounter any problems please report to me at [email protected] ( requires Tribunal or Bloodmoon )