# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Snakes on a Plane Quests MMH 2007-03-25 Cow Guru Snakes... on a Plane... of Oblivion.  
It's a fairly short quest mod, taking place mostly in and around the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion Sphere. Travel with the Blades Sergeant Samuel, the abusive Commander Shepediri, the melancholy Steam Centurion Frank, and a ragtag group of I...
Eat Corpses Miscellaneous MMH 2005-08-22 Cow Guru Adds your healthy daily dose of cannibalism to Morrowind. This mod simply replaces dispose of corpse with eat corpse in the window which opens when you click on a dead body. Nothing extravagant, just a small tweak for those unused to the CS but looking for a dose of corpse-eatery. ...