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Author Mods
Jusey1 7
# Actions Id Name Category Site Author Date Description
Revenants Creatures Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-10-30 This mods adds deadly spiritual beings into the Red Mountain Region known as Revenants. They are long dead warriors of a forgotten war. I highly recommon being high level before trying to fight these! They can really pack a punch! But do you still dare to fight them or will you perish?
J-Companions Companions Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-10-16 This mod as a few companions in MW. Simple but one is powerful and more will get added later. The companions are set so they can never die and both should have high enough speed to follow you. There are only two right now, one in Seyda Neen and the other in Caldera. Have fun!
Wolfe's Tomb Dungeons Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-10-30 Simple Tomb mod I made in my HS years. It was for an English project really. Nothing special in this mod, just a small simple tomb in Vivec.
Dungeoneer Dungeons Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-10-09 The Nerevane Mod V3.0 by Jusey1 Lore Long time ago, an ancient dungeon system known as Nerevane was created. Nerevane was base around Nerevaine's mind; his encounters, his imagined enemies, his friends, and so on. When Vivec murdered the Nerevaine; Nerevane vanished. Now, with Nerevaine's...
Maglir's Adventure Quests Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-11-02 ~About~ This mod adds another one of my small quest mod. You'll play as Maglir on a little quest in Vvardenfell and you will learn a bit more about his cruel past and why he seem so upset in Oblivion.
Werewolfism Miscellaneous Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-11-05 ~About~ This mod makes changes to Werewolves and Vampires! Read the readme for a list! ~Requirements~ MW, TR, Bm. Textures and Meshes files from WWCoV:
A Teaser Miscellaneous Fliggerty Jusey1 2011-10-31 First of all, I'm not going to talk much about the mod or even give it name because it will spoil your fun if you wish to play my Dungeoneer Mod. This mod adds a small quest that you do. Fun part is; you gotta start a new game and you will play as a whole new character, not someone you make. Yo...